Thanks to our friends:
Laurel and Tom
Heidi and Ryan
Kari and Jeremy
Misty and Luke
for being such a fun bunch.
We love spending time with you!
Once a month, we try to get all of us together for a date (with or without kids). We rotate the responsibility of planning the date, and this month, it was ours. We'd been wanting to try this new Indian food restaurant in Bountiful, so we decided to go there for our date.
Well, the more I thought about it, the more nervous I got. Ryan and I like Indian food, but we'd never been to this restaurant. Plus, we have some picky eaters among our friends. What if the food were totally gross? What if no one liked it? What if it were too expensive? And on and on I worried.
But, we stuck with the plan, and everything was great! Even though we couldn't pronounce what we were eating, it was delicious, and I think everyone found something they liked.
Thanks to our friends for being "adventurous" and for trying something new with us!
I loved it and can't wait to go again! Yum!
Alright, now it's our turn!
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