Sunday, March 14, 2010

To Blog or Not to Blog...?

Hmmm... good question.

I want to. I think it's a great way to keep in touch with friends and family.

Do I have time? maybe not.

I'm going to try, though.

Those of you who blog, when/how do you fit it in?


Michelle said...

I use blogging as my journal and that's how I justify it :). I love looking back on posts from when Colby was little and think it will be so fun 10 years from now to have all of our fun life happenings documented. I don't want to forget this fun stage of life we are in. You really just have to make time for it, instead of clean, blog, ha ha j/k :). I know sometimes it's hard but I think it will be worth it. And like you said blogging is such a great way to keep in touch with family and friends! Good luck with it. We love seeing your updates and pictures of your cute family so I hope you keep blogging.

Emily said...

Ditto. My blog is my journal aka "scrapbook". You can print blog books, etc. which makes it nice. I just do what I can with the time I have. If all you have is 15 minutes then put up one pic of something you did that week with a little story with it. Doesn't have to be time consuming. I usually blog on Sunday because we have more time to relax and we don't watch any TV on Sundays too. :)

Brandy said...

I don't sleep much, so that's when I blog! I have yet to 'publish' mine into a book, but think it's an amazing though process. Blog when you can and when it feels right, same as writing in a journal. Gotta feel it!

Shurelle said...

thanks, girls. I like the "journal" idea. At this point, I'm planning to continue the blog. :)

Jill said...

It definitely does take time, but it's a fun outlet for like others said it is my journal and scrapbook. I've already printed it and made 4 books out of it all!!! That is totally worth it right there!

Damitz Family said...

I stay up late in the evenings after the kids go to bed and make blogging a priority. I really enjoy being able to keep in touch with friends and family that normally wouldn't reciprocate. Plus, I'm with the other ladies, I use my blog as a journal. I don't want to spend the money on a blog book, at least not yet, so every other week or so I copy and paste the blog posts into a document and save them. It works for me and I'm so glad I have so many records of what we're up to.